Monday, January 20, 2014

SHOCKING WEIRD NEWS: Pastor Convinces Followers To Give Him Oral SEX Because His Penis Contains “HOLY MILK”...

Valdeci Sobrino Picanto is a Brazilian Evangelical Pastor. He has been arrested after deceiving the faithful using the name of the “Holy Spirit”, by using these foolish lies.

This criminal pastor claimed that the Holy Spirit would secrete from his penis in the form of “sacred milk”. This pastor said that his penis was blessed and that “the Lord had consecrated him with divine milk of the Holy Spirit” and, of course, he had to release it in order to “evangelize”. ”
He has convinced us that only God could come into our lives through our mouth and that’s why he would do what he did”. Often, after worship, pastor Valdeci would take us to the where the funds were kept at the back of the Church and asked us to have Oral sex with him until the Holy Spirit would come through ejaculation”. This is the testimony of one of his victims.
This pastor is already in jail where, he said when they arrested him that he intends to continue watering his cell-mates with his sacred milk.

1 comment:

  1. You must give it to him that he actually got bufoons believing in what he told them and sucked him. Bravoooo!!
