Monday, February 3, 2014

Why I Will Continue Sleeping With My House Maid...!!! Is There Justification In Cheating With Maids???

I am always baffled by tales of men being caught in bed with their house-helps. These clandestine affairs are so commonplace nowadays that they no longer raise eyebrows or turn heads.

Even more perplexing, this is not just a Kenyan trend. Internationally, actor Ethan Hawke divorced his celebrity wife, Uma Thurman, to marry their children’s nanny. Jude Law cheated on his fiancĂ©e, Sienna Miller, with the house-help. Robin Williams left his wife of ten years for his family’s housegirl, and cheated on her with yet another housegirl. My word! What is it with housegirls?

I agree with the fact that today’s house-help is young, educated, ambitious and stylish, but I do not see this as a justification for men to stray. I mean, there will always be young and beautiful women; they do not disappear from the world once a man gets married. 

Puzzled by this, I carried out an investigation, and the reasons men gave for their erring ways sound like something from the 1900s. 

Top on the list is that wives are at fault for hiring young and attractive house-helps.

The other day, an educated friend left me speechless with his ridiculous argument. With strong conviction, he claimed that if his wife brought home an attractive housegirl, he would stray, just like any other man would. Not even my murderous look stopped him from going on with a cave-man-like explanation for this.  

It is no longer surprising that men, while modern, intelligent and digital, where necessary, are always on the ready to switch to outdated ideas wherever and whenever it suits them. Typically, they hide behind animalistic excuses, the most popular being that they cannot restrain their lustful tendencies. But women should control theirs.   

Another serious crime that ‘modern women’ are accused of is not pampering our men. It is like they are helpless babies.

Today’s women are said to attend to their own needs and leave the maid to attend to their husband’s needs, and this is thrown around like a ball to excuse the men’s misdemeanours.
The duties left to the house- include everything from underwear washing to serving him food. Because, human beings, by nature, love a person that takes care of them, he shows his appreciation by taking her to bed.

The most heinous crime is that the ‘modern woman’ is disrespectful and unsubmissive, while the maid is polite, respectful and obedient. Men conveniently forget that the house-help is paid for these.

Rather bizarrely, men think the solution to the problem of misbehaving with maids is that their wives should hire old women. Or, better still, hire houseboys. Because women are apparently not visual, and naturally have self-control that men are not born with. Baloney! Men, leave housegirls alone.

Via Standard....

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